What we do:
Although with continuous, on-going research into new ways and product offerings, our current offerings include:
- Soil remediation using bio-Augmentation process
- Vertical farming
- Wastewater treatment
- Complete value-chain distribution of farm produce.
- Commodity trading
- Market research and market representation

Soil remediation using Avantu Technology processes
AVANTU products stimulate the biological activity in the soil by up to 600% which through mobilization removes contaminants in the soil and helps in restoring the soil to its natural state. This technology is based on the harnessing of the amphiphilic molecule that is most effective for soil remediation which is GrowthKing.
Results: soil bacteriological enhancement, crops quality and yield enhancement, and crops yield longevity.

Vertical farming
The vertical farming technology Avantu practices is based on controlling the environment agricultural tunnel where all variables such as water quality, temperature, nutrients, oxygen, CO2, humidity, and light is varied to provide optimum cultivation conditions for leafy greens and vegetables without using any agricultural chemicals. The quality and taste of the produce is beyond export plus as there is no chemical fertilizer or pesticides used.

Wastewater treatment
Avantu has produced several blends of natural harmless micro-organisms scientifically chosen for their specific abilities to vastly accelerate the biodegradation process of human, vegetable, animal, fibrous and hydrocarbon waste. In addition, some of the microbes used, due to their unique capabilities of converting an anaerobic to an aerobic environment, eliminate waterborne diseases such as dysentery, diarrhea, and typhoid. Other microbes in the products compete with the cholera bacteria for the same food source, starving the cholera bacteria and preventing them from spreading. One of the Avantu products contain specific substrate microbes that produce a crystalline toxin that kills mosquito and black fly larvae.

Complete value-chain distribution of agricultural produces
We know the challenges facing the delivery of farm produces to the final destinations. The company is well positioned to make sure that all the value-chain distribution logistics are well taken into consideration and efficiently utilized.

Commodity Trading
We deal in commodity trading to meet the high demand for good soft commodities from Nigeria and the continent of Africa, good examples being Cassava and its derivatives, Cocoa, Cotton, Coffee, Chilies, Maize, Dates, Kolanuts and more. We trade to satisfy the needs of our partners across the globe. Give us your specification and we deliver promptly.

Market research and market representation
We know the importance of transforming strategies to practical outcome and the support of a reliable local partner in business expansion. AVANTU becomes your one-stop trusted local partner in not just providing strategic advise but transforming your vision to reality in Africa’s emerging market. Our partnership with Avantu SA also enables a pan African approach to marketing research.